Welcome to LifeMinded, a holistic approach to senior living.


Live engaged &
with a purpose

We believe senior housing should be a positive change, one that opens new doors, keeping people happy, healthy and engaged. LifeMinded® is an approach to senior living that we know works. It is not an approach that everyone follows even though we wish they did. This site is dedicated to helping those considering a change in lifestyle or housing by giving them honest information and knowledge to help decide what the right living situation is for them.


LifeMinded is a holistic approach that addresses every aspect of Life. The physical, the mental, the spiritual and the social aspects of life are all important part of LifeMinded lifestyle. It is an approach and a philosophy that sets the best communities apart. At a LifeMinded residence every resident has the opportunity to develop a personal program for living a complete, satisfying and active life—typically a more active life—regardless of age. In other words, it is retirement living as it was meant to be lived, full of life.

On our site you will find articles providing information to help you understand the choices you have in senior housing and tips to help you be prepared in your search. Enjoy.


Living LifeMinded

LifeMinded promotes the benefits of engaged living. Using special, proven practices designed for senior living, LifeMinded is based on the "Seven Dimensions of Wellness" model endorsed by the International Council on Active Aging.®

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Attitude matters.  At a LifeMinded community you will never hear the word “Facility.” Facility is an institution which is not what most people looking for a full vital life are interested in. If someone describes their senior housing as a facility we suggest you go someplace else, they are not thinking or living LifeMinded.

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Seven things to consider when choosing a senior living community



Putting these ideas into practice, here are the residences that have been LifeMinded certified. 

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